Saturday, April 26, 2014

Issaquah Barnes Nobles, Peaceful Pond and the Dragon Castle

I loved going to the book store as a kid. One of the best birthday treat I had was going to the big book store in neighboring town. I could spend hours in the book store.

Now I have to admit that I am not an avid book reader anymore. Even when I read, I get it digitally. But I do want my kids to have the same bookstore love before they become a historical concept someday. I am lucky that I live close to the Barnes and Nobles Issaquah branch. It's not a big one, but it has a good kid section varieties. The location is also very convenient. We can walk around the peaceful quiet pond behind it afterwards. My kids love to play in the small fountain, checking out the ducks and crossing the bridge to go to the other side of the Pickering Place.

H loves the story about Curious George protecting a castle from a dragon attack. She loves to protect the Pickering castle (stone walls area) from the dragon (my lil one =). They can spend almost an hour running around the area. I can have a peaceful conversation time with my hubby inside the castle while H is busy guarding us from the dragon.

When it's time for dinner, we can just walk to Red Robin. Literally, we're 1 min away from Red Robin.

It's our fall back relaxing family time when it's not raining here.

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